VP of Palo Alto Neighbor’s Abroad & Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Question Education Group (USA)

A rare subject expert and experienced advisor with vision, strategy and execution excellence in cross-border market-entry consulting, fundraising, investments facilitation, and marketing strategy developer between Sillicon Valley and China/Asia Pacific in eco-travel, healthcare and education.

Born and brought up in Shanghai, educated in China and England, my past experience with Cisco (San Jose), Dow Jones (Hong Kong) and my own consulting venture (Palo Alto) have provided me with a global perspective as well as an insightful working knowledge and vast business network between US and China/APAC region with seasoned investors and collaborators.

Being the China expert for Governor Jerry Brown’s Office (2013-2018), I was awarded the 2016 of Presidential Leadership Scholars. Through this executive training program, I was coached by both President Clinton and Bush and their former administrations to make profound social impact with my work.

魏滨, Palo Alto 友城协会副总裁/ 探索教育集团(美国)共同初创人,Co-CEO
魏女士具有20多年国际500强公司(道琼斯,思科等企业)的高管经验,她领导了跨文化跨职能⾼高绩效人才团队,也具备 创业企业家的能力。在1998道琼斯⾹香港亚洲周评⾥里里被选为最 年轻的青年管理人才。魏女士在思科任职期间,支持思科-北大光华管理学院的中国高管高干创新领导力的培训,策划主导中国国家发改委和国资委的高层领导的创新培训项目。 魏女士在过去的10年中,成功地把30多家美国/欧洲企业带 ⼊中国入住,投资(其中包括特斯拉,梦想⼯工场,硅⾕谷银⾏等等著名企业)。魏女士在2105被聘为山东省中国贸易促进会的国际顾问(任期三年)。2016年年度 因对中美跨国贸易易和输出⻄西⽅方企业去中国和创新的成绩,魏女士被选为 美国总统级最佳高官中青年领导 学者,受到克林林顿和布什什总统的接见。这是每年年从12 00美国中⻘年高层领导⼈人中选 60位的荣誉奖。魏女士目前是探索教育集团(美国)共同初创人,Co-CEO, 专门为美国双语教育和为中国输送幼教专家搭建平台。
魏女士是英 国市场策划学院的硕⼠士及现任院⼠士。获英国双学位 媒体和英国文学本科专业。