Mayor of San Francisco

London Nicole Breed (born August 11, 1974) is an American politician from California who is the 45th mayor of the City and County of San Francisco. She formerly served as supervisor for District 5, and was president of the Board of Supervisors from 2015 to 2018.

Raised in poverty in the Western Addition neighborhood of San Francisco, Breed worked in government after college. She was elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2012 (taking office in January 2013), and elected its president in 2015. As president of the Board, Breed, according to the city charter, became the acting mayor of San Francisco following the death of Mayor Ed Lee. She served in this role from December 12, 2017, to January 23, 2018.

Mayor of San Francisco 旧金山市长
布⾥德在三藩市⼟⽣⼟长,由祖⺟在⻄增区公屋养育成才。她于公立学校毕业,于戴维斯加州⼤学取得学位,并在旧⾦⼭⼤学获取公共管理硕⼠学位。布⾥德在 2012 年当选为三藩市第 5 区市参事, 并于 2016 再度获选。期间, 两度获得市参事议会同事推选成为市参事议会议长。前市长李孟贤不幸逝世后,布⾥德依从三藩市宪章, 出任代理市长。在这困难时期, 显出其卓越的领导才能, 带领三藩市走过这⼀段最艰难时刻。