Director, Inclusive Cities Lab; President, World Enabled

Dr. Victor Santiago Pineda (born November 17, 1978) is a social development scholar and disability rights advocate. He is also an international speaker and consultant on accessibility related issues. Early in his career, he served as the youngest government delegate to participate in the drafting of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and thereafter launched the World Enabled Global Initiative, a disability affiliate program that combines the reach of the world’s most active disabled persons’ organizations (DPOs) and intergovernmental agencies. He also launched the Pineda Foundation, a voluntary non-profit that promotes the rights and dignities of young people with disabilities. Both were established in 2003.

Victor Santiago Pineda博士(1978年11月17日出生)是社会发展学者和残疾人权利倡导者。 他还是残疾相关问题的国际发言人和顾问。 在其职业生涯早期,他曾做为最年轻的政府代表参加了《联合国残疾人权利公约》的起草工作,随后发起了“世界使能全球倡议”,这是一个由残障人士组成的计划,将全球 活跃的残疾人组织(DPO)和政府间机构。 他还创立了Pineda基金会,这是一个自愿性的非营利组织,旨在促进残疾青年的权利和尊严。 两者都成立于2003年。